
You dream of the garden; we bring it to life

Gardening as an experience is fun.But starting a garden from scratch can be overwhelming.
Set-up your garden space with our end-to-end support – from design, set-up to sustained care.

Design your own gardening products

Feeling restricted with standard items? Make way for tailored planters, stands, etc in your garden that fits in – with your space and design.

Planters of all
sizes, shapes
A trellis for
climbing plants
A trellis for climbing plants | Peepal One
Wall rack to stack
up plants
Wall rack to stack up plants | Peepal One
You just have
to imagine.
You just have to imagine | Peepal One

Choose materials wisely

Can’t make your plant survive no matter what you do? Build a strong foundation at the beginning. Invest in smart & sustainable materials to make your plants thrive with minimal care.

Metal Material | Peepal One
Terracotta | Peepal One
Wood | Peepal One

Our services

Cultivate-portfolio | Peepal One
Transform with us | Peepal One