When it comes to choosing houseplants for indoor gardens, exotic plants dominate the decision-making. However, these beautiful plants come at a cost – financially and environmentally.

Today we are uncovering top 5 exotic plants that are invasive in India. Exotic plants means plants that are introduced from foreign regions.

These are common houseplants that belong to different countries and have been cultivated in India to beautify our homes. In the process, they have also proven to disrupt and destroy local habitats in and around us.

Morning Glory

These pretty plants are making our environment fragile due to their invasive nature – that means, they can reproduce at a greater speed than native plants, thus,

  • Taking away from nutrition from the soil as compared to native plants

  • Outrunning the growth of local plants

  • Degrading soil quality and causing soil erosion

  • Breaking the food chain for local biodiversity

  • Disturbing the micro-climatic conditions and ecology in the long run

Making a conscious choice of creating gardens with local or indigenous plants can not just save costs but also our environment.

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