Such balanced, consistent, and self-sustained ecosystems require minimal or no intervention, resulting into ecological conservation at a macro level.
At an individual level, choosing eco-friendly materials, native plants, optimising time and resources to create your home garden, makes it sustainable.
Such methods encourage natural ways of –
(with no frills attached)
(with no frills attached)

(where the kitchen is the gold mine)
(where the kitchen is the gold mine)

Pest control
(when the job can be done gently)
(when the job can be done gently)

(when less is more)
(when less is more)

Creating a sustainable garden at home requires a holistic approach towards incorporating natural ecosystems at a smaller scale. From the choice of planter materials to the type of plants and maintenance of gardens, one can create a self-sustaining microcosm within the confines of one’s home.