Popularly known as the god’s own flower, Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera) marks the onset of Jyeshtha ritu in India. From its beautiful pink, white petals to its stems and roots, the lotus is considered to be one of the most important flowers in the country.
This delicate flower has touched several walks of life from architecture to textile, botanicals to recipes. Even in this century, lotus continues to inspire design in every aspect.
It also symbolizes various aspects for different cultures. In ancient Egypt, it was considered to be a symbol of sun, rebirth and creation because of its unusual behaviour which marks the beginning and the end of the day.
For Asian communities, it continues to a symbol of wealth, prosperity, purity and fertility. Its unique traits of submerging every night into river water and miraculously re-blooming the next morning, sparklingly clean is a symbol of hope to many.
Its stems known as Kamal Kadki in Hindi or Lotus Roots in English is used to prepare several delicacies in Asian cuisine.