Plants and human beings are no different. We share a similar response and survival mechanism.
Few of these aspects include:

A little bit of fresh air is something we all need. Like us, plants can also suffocate in closed, non-ventilated spaces. Such conditions slowly stagnate the growth, eventually leading to pre-mature death of the plant. Placing plants near open windows or spaces which have some air circulation can help them grow.

Social distancing doesn’t protect us alone from germs, it also protects plants. A little bit of space between each plant can help in preventing pests travel from one plant to the other. Space also allows plants to flourish and avoid the feeling of claustrophobia.

A regular dose of nutritious meals can really boost our metabolism and immunity. Similar to us, plants also need a regular intake of minerals, vitamins, proteins to reach their full potential. Natural, organic ways of providing nutrition can go a long way in maintaining plant health.