One of the most common questions or concerns while creating a garden is centered around its maintenance. For new gardeners or beginners, this alone becomes the single, most important decision-making factor.
So let’s help our friends who are thinking of starting a garden.
Myth: Creating a garden means a lot of maintenance.
Gardens especially indoor gardens require more time, resources, attention and care. We need to install modern technologies such as humidifiers, mystifiers, air conditioners, for the plants to survive.

Fact: The kind of plants one chooses decides its maintenance.
Native or indigenous plants generally doesn’t require as much care, support and interventions as much as exotic or foreign origin plants do. They can sustain themselves easily if the garden is built using the right principles.

Native plants by default become low-maintenance as they’re well versed with the climatic conditions, weather and environment around them. They have spent centuries learning and adapting to it. These plants deploy their natural, in-built defence mechanism against unpredicted weather changes, pest attacks, or any kind of external influence.
Having said that, plants are like human beings. While they need food, nutrition, air, water among other things, they also need a gardener’s love, care and attention in order to thrive and become fully self-sustainable.