November – December 2023 | Volume 7
It is that time of the year when you wake up to a slight nip in the air. Your plants are gearing up for the seasonal changes. Growth eases out, leaves change their colour, start falling to increase defence mechanism in fall.
Though, there are exceptions. Flowers which love this semi-cold weather bloom gloriously too. Shevanti (Chrysanthemum), Hydrangea, Roses, Dianthus rise up to the occasion and fill your garden with their vibrant colours.

3 things to look out in potted plants during this season
1. Water
Do not overwater your plants as temperature is cooler now. Check topsoil before watering.

2. Fungus & pests
Dryness, excess water may increase fungus, spider mites, other leaf sucking pests.

3. Brightness
Shift plants in a warm, brighter spot or keep room lights on, especially during evenings.

Plant of the Month
Hydrangea. A winter flower, hydrangeas come in different colours and sizes. For hedges or pots, this flower is a bouquet in itself.

DIY Fungicide
Make this easy decoction to fight fungal infections in plants. Mix and apply turmeric & cinnamon powders in equal parts and apply on topsoil.